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Air Combat. Alien Invasion
Set in a not-so-distant future, "Air Combat: Alien Invasion" plunges players into a chaotic world where Earth faces a relentless alien onslaught. After a fierce defense, humanity's forces were overwhelmed, and in this dire time, certain nations and traitorous factions chose to ally with the invaders, turning their backs on humanity's last hope. As the resistance diminishes, you take on the role of a courageous pilot, determined to reclaim freedom and safeguard your planet from complete subjugation.
Your mission begins with the audacious task of capturing a collaborator airbase, a stronghold where traitors and aliens conspire against their own kind. With your organization’s resources at your disposal, you have access to a range of advanced aircraft designed for aerial warfare. The skies become your battleground as you set out to hunt down the menacing enemy ships that threaten civilians and your fellow fighters.
In your fight against the alien hordes, the primary objective is to eliminate their formidable cruisers, which serve as the backbone of the extraterrestrial fleet. Destroying these massive ships can prevent waves of alien carriers from reaching the atmosphere, ensuring a chance for humanity's survival. Your skill and strategy in the cockpit will determine the outcome of this high-stakes war, as every aerial engagement can tip the balance between hope and despair.
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